Friday, April 24, 2009


I really don't know where the time exactly goes (I know that I seem to always come back to this), but it's true. I am down to only 3 1/2 weeks of school left. It's incredible that I am almost done with my first year of college.

This last week was really busy and I missed my computer class all week and it's canceled on Monday. My culinary classes went well though so that is a really good feeling. I'm feeling more confident all around in the kitchen. On Monday the whole class went to the food show in Duluth it was really interesting. I tasted a lot of food, including an apple pear, passion fruit, and Captain Ken's bake beans, plus a whole lot more. Then on Tuesday I participated in prepping for the foundation dinner which was fun and a ton of work for it all to be over in an hour. For the first time I tried Calamari, and the texture is indescribably weird. There was also cured salmon with a cucumber dill sauce the sauce was amazing and I don't like cucumbers. The fried plantains were really good so was the galiantine. The theme of the appetizers and main entree was the pirates of penzance. So Wednesday was a 13 hour day in the kitchen, needless to say it was a crazy day! I did get all the homework from the last week done and turned in. Thursday was the Empty Bowl, which is a fundraiser for the Food Shelf. It was pretty relaxed in the kitchen, we spent quite a bit of time just kind of cleaning the kitchen. Not fun but better than standing around doing nothing. The last 2 weeks of school will more than likely pretty much consist of cleaning the kitchen for the summer. That should be "fun"?!

There are still some things that need to be done around here, like a tiny bit of computer homework. I need to upload pics to Walmart so that I can get them before I move back home! Once again my apartment is messy, my bathroom really needs to be cleaned, and I absolutely have to do laundry tomorrow. I plan on doing it early so that I don't have to deal with a lot of people hanging out, they should all still be sleeping on a Saturday morning ecspecially after a pajama party. Please don't ask, I was "invited", but I haven't a clue!

I am really looking forward to leaving and taking a break from the craziness of people here. Most of the time it is okay. Still there are some beliefs, values and attitudes that I could really do without and it is true that some of them are mine. All of the sudden I'm tired, it's been kind of a long day. Plus I do have to work tomorrow afternoon and I need to run some errands. I'm almost ready to start seriously preparing to move back home. I have a feeling that time is going to go way too fast until then and that the summer is going to fly and school will start all over, but hey I'm getting way to ahead of myself now. Although thinking that far ahead is not stressing me out and that is a very good feeling! I think I had better head to bed now. Until later ya'll


  1. You don't like cucumbers?!?!?!??!?!??!?!??!?!?!?
    Wow. Time has gone fast. So how many years does your culinary school last?

  2. little sis (aka sal)April 25, 2009 at 2:58 PM

    I like the new look skygirl. On your Youtube too. When Rebel said you changed your blog's playlist I was ready to be mad. but then I saw that you just added some songs. I love all the songs you had before you added some (except the one by red). You better be glad you didn't take any songs away. You'd have a mad borrow bug on your hands. I was ready to threaten not to EVER borrow anything ever again. You wouldn't want that now would you?

  3. NO mad borrow bugs Pluuuuuueeeaaaasseee! But I actually did delete some songs.

  4. little sis (aka sal)April 26, 2009 at 8:14 AM

    I see you changed your playlist again. How could you? Delete some of the songs? I told you not to. and do you listen? NOOOOOOO It doesn't matter what BORROW BUG thinks. Of course not.

  5. mmm.... i'd gain weight if i was in culinary school. how do you keep it off? maybe a pj party would have been fun ;-)

  6. I have gained some weight but the key is of course moderation. No not a pj party that entails everyone in the dorms and everybody drinking before they get there. It sound a little too suspicious.
