Saturday, January 23, 2010

It's a New Year!!!

I know, I know I have been very negligent in my blogging habits. I really have had good intentions, but I can honestly say that it hasn't been on the top of my priorities.

I stayed at the dorms and worked for about half of Christmas break and the other half I was with my family. I actually got to do something I've been wanting to do for almost two years! I traveled with my dad, it was a great time. The time with my family was very nice too but it went way to fast, due to the fact that it was kinda chopped up.

I am now in my 4th and final semester of college! Well maybe final, I guess I should say it this way, it's the final semester to my goal of a 2 year diploma in culinary arts. I have to say that I am very relieved and excited. I'll be even more relieved once I'm done, because this semester has already been a ton of work and it's only been two weeks! Balancing school, I have a crazy class schedule, work and 5x as much homework as I am used to. I have been sooo tired lately, I need to get more sleep....


  1. can't believe your almost done!! wow time has flown by!

  2. Wow, congrats! It seems like hardly very long ago that you were just graduating! Time does fly:-D
