Sunday, April 11, 2010

Just Not Feeling It

I've just not been feeling blogging lately. Believe me I have sat down and tried but each time my mind and my fingers rebel against the thought. It goes something like this... "I should blog. What should I blog about?" So I sit down and log in and start typing something and before long I can't think of anything interesting and then I start thinking about other things I need to do such as homework or dishes or reading a book or text a friend and I my fingers start telling me that they are tired after typing up all that homework. I just run out blogging ambition. I don't think it's always so much I don't have much to say, my thoughts just run over and I get overwhelmed and then I "just don't feel it". I am trying to get re-inspired especially since I just caught up on reading my two favorite blogs. Modest is Hottest and Yaak Adventures.

This will have to be somewhat short however as I should be getting ready to go to church, but I'm not cutting it too close don't worry. I have been super busy (of course) and finals are coming up. I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to graduating in 6 weeks. I can't believe how fast it's gone. Many of you may be wondering what exactly is next for me well, I put forth some tidbits after spring break but here are my plans. I am moving home to my parents house deep in the boonies of MN for the summer, hopefully I will work at a camp near them. I had an interview with the camp last Friday and I think it went well. Either way I am moving home. Than in August I am moving to a big town that ends with an H that's closer to my parents house than where I am now. I am going to be going to college again and will be taking mostly general classes with the thought that I may decide to get a 2 year degree in business. Every time I have thought about moving somewhere I have kept coming back to this big town that ends with an H. So after considering my options. This is my decision.

Believe me when I say that this is not a decision that I have made lightly. It is also a decision that is not coming easy for me to walk out. Around every corner seems to be another obstacle that I have to overcome and another uncertainty that I have to avoid freaking out over. I have had to take it one day at a time. I feel like I've got most things taken care of now, but I'm staying on my guard.

I have been having some amazing fun with friends. I'm not always sure how I get it all squeezed in but I have to say that I love it :) Late night walks, time in the park, lots of talking, ice cream, texting, randomness these are all things that pretty much sum it up.

Well I have some other deeper thoughts that I want to post, but I have to get ready for church now. And I have plans this afternoon, so hopefully I will post again today, but don't hold me to it.


  1. Me too!!! I almost never post on my other blog because I just don't feel like it! Congrats about graduating! Time has gone fast:-)

  2. Wow. When do you find time for all of these things? I like your new facebook profile pic. He he. I wonder why? I do wish you would have used one where you smiled. You are so pretty when you smile, sistah. Do it more often.

  3. thanks for throwing us the bone :-) We love you!! Very exciting for the opportunity with the camp. I will have to call your mom again to hear about it ;-) Also H town sounds exciting! When i was younger i always wanted to live there. I LOVE shopping there too! I'm excited for you!!

  4. I am flattered that you like Modest is Hottest so much. Your favorite blog? Wow. lol.
