Friday, May 28, 2010

Done and Moving On.....

I completed what I set out to accomplish. I graduated from HCC's Culinary Arts program! It still feels so surreal. I did much better than I thought I would but than again everybody says that they didn't expect anything less. I moved home and I started my summer job 3 days later (in other words 3 days ago.) Soon I will be working 8 hour days right now I've just been working 3-5 hour days since it's just cleaning right now and staff doesn't arrive for another couple of days. I think this summer job will stretch me for sure. There will be a 3 day break in July which I think after working 6 days a week I will be more than ready for. I will get done in August around the 16th and school starts the 23rd. After the last year of school and my summer job school will probably be a breeze. I'm only taking 16 credits, with two classes being online and the other 4 only averaging around 4 hours of on campus class time. It will surely be strange after being in school at least 6 hours a day and up to 14 hours a day for the last two years. I am definitely going to have to find a way to stay in shape. I don't yet know where I will be living in D-town I have done some looking but the more I look the more I lose my peace. So whatever God has in store, I know it will be good, I just am not aware of it yet. All I know for sure is that I know that I'm supposed to move to D-town and I am registered for classes at the two-year college there.

Most days it is way to easy to look ahead and start panicking because I have no clue how things are going to come together and no idea what even needs to come together. I have a feeling that there are some interesting days coming my way. God has big things in store. So many people seem to think that there are big things ahead for me. I know some of what is on my heart for the future I just don't yet know how it will all fall into place. I am doing my best not to have a paper plate mentality while I'm "waiting". Waiting is almost the wrong word because in reality I'm walking through and everyday is the day that I need to live for.

I'm really tired of getting worn out from daily life, I feel as if I have no ambition at this time. It really frustrates me. I need to get into the Word more and pray. Life can not take over anymore. Well I have some other thoughts to share but I am exhausted and I have to work in the morning. I actually get to do some baking rather than just cleaning the kitchen. It is a huge kitchen!!

F.R.O.G. O.A.D.B. (Fully Relying on God on a Daily Basis)


  1. gorgeous new blog!! Amen FROG :-) Baby steps take us a L O N G way ;-)

  2. You made it this far, just think of what the future holds!

  3. Thought I would come and get caught up!
