Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Life is a Beautiful Thing

What is life really worth? I was just watching the movie "Bella" if you haven't seen it you should, it's really good. You really have to watch in more than once to fully understand it. I'm sitting here crying as the credits roll. We take life to lightly. Life is valuable. "Bella" is a movie about a lady considering abortion and how one guy takes the time to listen and share is story about his feelings on the sanctity and value of life. How often do we really consider how lightly we take/consider/value human life. Did you ever stop to think...about why you're here? I've been thinking lately about how all these laws that are being passed for things that are morally and Biblically incorrect, and how everyone is fighting for the laws to be changed. Don't get me wrong, I want laws to reversed and I don't agree with them in any way, but in these days it has to be less about laws and more about reaching out to people and touching their lives so that they are affected day after day. As each day goes by, it becomes more about the matters of the heart. Please don't get so caught up in the day to day monotony, or the frustration or exhaustion or discouragement, that you forget how important and valuable each and every life is. Everybody is here for a reason there is a plan and purpose, nobody is a mistake. God knew you when you were yet unformed. My prayer tonight is that the Lord will help me to remember to not take life for granted. In remembering the value and sanctity of life I think I'll be a lot less ungrateful and complain a lot less. Life is valuable and so are people, young and old, helpless, or completely independent.

I'm not sure I'm saying this how I want to say it, but the gist of it is here as well as my heart.


  1. wow you almost made me cry! I love your blog so much. You are an encouragement to me daily.

  2. I'll have to see that movie sometime:-)
    I saw it in cbd, but didn't even stop to read the info...

  3. Love your new profile pic and playlist!!!
