Monday, August 10, 2009

School....ALREADY!!! Yikes!!!!

I know I haven't been on here for awhile. I have been mulling some things over that I will soon post about. I CAN NOT believe that in a week and a half I will be living back in Hibbing for the school year and God only knows what comes after that (I don't say that lightly). A year ago I had no clue where I would be at and now here I am entering yet another new season of my life! I am excited but slightly hesitant. Anyways back to the present! This is my last week of my summer job, it's been good, but I have to say that I won't miss the 80 miles that I drive every day that I work. My car has held up through it all and I've been getting 30-36 miles to the gallon all summer. This is because I just get in my car and go there is only one stop sign and that's when I get to town. Tomorrow I am going to get my back to school haircut! I am pretty excited for that, since my bangs are always annoyingly in my eyes. They make it hard to berry pick. Tonight I went out with my mom and my sis Sal (check out here new blog with her friend ME and my mom and I picked about a gallon of berries each in 2 hours. So that's not too bad considering last week we went out about 3 hours and picked a gallon combined. This summer has been crazy weather wise. I don't know how many times I've driven to work and had to use my wipers. It's funny how many different types of weather you can see during a 40 mile drive :) I think part of the reason I'm kinda in "withdrawal" about the fact that school starts in 2 weeks it's because summer never really arrived, although it's supposed to be nice and warm for the next few days. I have to say it will be nice to have a change in weather even though I work for the next 3 days. The major project of putting books and shelves up is done! It's a great feeling and it looks really nice. There are a few more boxes to empty but first we must have another rummage sale. My mom did do pretty well getting rid of books, better than I expected! I'm hoping to get pictures up soon on here and my facebook. Sometimes I'm not sure where time goes, but I look and think oh I'm doing ok time wise and than I look again and time is gone. That is just one of my many ponderings. Hopefully I'll get on here again soon and post one of my more in depth blogs. Right now you'll all just have to be patient. Remember to F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely on God)


  1. i will keep frog in mind :-) good to hear your back in blogworld. what about "cruise ships?" i feel sad that school is coming on so fast!! Makes me almost near tears that the summer sped by.

  2. So glad to hear that your mom did better than expected in getting rid of books. I hope you were a great encouragement to her!
