Sunday, August 30, 2009

Update Before Week 2 Starts

So I thought I would give you all an update (I'm not sure who all read this).

The first week of school went really well. So far nothing too exciting has taken place. All of us 2nd years put the menu together for the next 2 weeks. We will be in the cafeteria through about the 21st. I still can hardly believe that I am back at school and it feels so normal. There are a lot of things that I can tell will stretch me in this school year, but that's why I am going to college so that I can learn and grow.

Yesterday I worked at the planetarium for 8 hours. It was pretty boring since I am being trained in to be a console operator. Speaking of which if anyone has a good birthday party game that is simple and doesn't take a lot of stuff. Comment on here pleeeeeaaaaassssseeee. Console operators have to host birthday parties. Which includes playing games with the kids. I think that is my least favorite part. Parents have such high expectations, I'm not sure why they expect so much from us when they don't even know what games to play. I did get homework done yesterday. I should do some more and get ahead a little bit though.

Already there is drama going on here. I am amazed at how many people are already starting dating relationships with people they barely know. As well as the lengths people will go to get a guy or a girl. I don't think college is all about seeing how fast you can hook-up with someone. Although I do understand how tempting it is, because when you don't "fit the norm" you get lonely. I don't like to be lonely, but I want God's best for my life, I don't want to settle for second best and than regret it, ya know.

Well I should go to bed here because once again tomorrow is Monday and I want to be fresh for the start of my second week of school. I will leave you with a qoute of a qoute from "When God Writes Your Love Story" that I thought was really interesting and made me really think.

"If we cut off their tongues and forbid the Christian speech, they love with their hands, with their feet and with their eyes, they love always and everywhere until their last respiration. Does anybody know how to take out the power of love from these stupid Christians?" This was spoken by a Romanian prison guard who found both his fulfillment and frustration in torturing Christians

Remember to really live today, because tomorrow is always tomorrow and yesterday is always past.


1 comment:

  1. Hey! Make sure you go to tomorrow (september 1st) for a free download of Pillar's new song, Secrets and Regrets!
    24 hours only.
    Idk about a game, I'll comment if I think of anything:-)
